THE C LANGUAGE

It is not possible to describe the entirety of the C language in a simple 
document file.  If you have no experience with the C language and are 
trying to learn it, the best thing to do is go to your local bookstore
(that has a computer section hopefully) and buy TWO different ANSI C or C++
language books. Yes...TWO! Look for a tutorial style book and for a
reference style book.  The tutorial style book will have many self contained
source examples that you can simply type in and run... and figure things out
by hacking on the examples and seeing the results. The reference style book
will have a comprehensive description of all the standard calls available.
BE SURE YOU GET BOOKS THAT DESCRIBE ANSI C rather than the original K&R C.
DICE is nearly 100% (and will get better) an ANSI C compiler 
including nearly all the standard ANSI C functions.

DME, the editor that comes with DICE, has a quick-reference capability
that allows you to place the cursor over a function name, hit a key, and
have the manual page for that function brought up in a separate window.
As you get familiar with DME, please try out this function.  The key
sequence is control-right_bracket from DME.  If you have your own editor
that is able to generate standard ascii files you may use that instead of
DME.  However, note that DME was designed with programming in mind and
*does* have that quick-reference capability, and so once learned will
probably be more efficient for your purposes.

As I have said, I cannot really *teach* you C in these flimsy manual pages.
I can, however, give you some of the formatting methodology to make your
programs more readable to yourself and to others. Unfortunately, bad habits
tend to stick, so learning the right way to do things from day 1 will go a 
long way.  The file METHODOLOGY section contains this information and 
assumes you already know C basics.